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Fertility, Pregnancy, Trauma- Cary, Raleigh NC


Corporate Wellness and Speaking Engagements

LeAnne Thomason, L.Ac. of WellPath Acupuncture & Healing Arts is available to speak to groups and organizations.

Corporate Wellness programs often include 3-6 classes covering these essential topics:

  1. Ear acupressure/acupuncture is used for its tremendously effect in balancing the effects of stress and trauma
  2. Postural instruction for optimal seating and standing that support spinal health
  3. Lifestyle coaching for daily health protocols that are both simple and effective
  4. Mindfulness and Stress Lowering practices for supporting balance and focus

For more details and history of the use of ear acupuncture to support stress, please visit Disaster Relief.

If you are a leader or member of group who feels that these types of presentation could be beneficial to your organization, please reach out to LeAnne for more information.