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Fertility, Pregnancy, Trauma- Cary, Raleigh NC

Bamboo Forest
Your Modern Path To Wellness

Your Partners in Health

WellPath Acupuncture & Healing Arts is your source for gentle, effective, holistic care to achieve your wellness goals. Acupuncture and a comprehensive array of therapeutic services are customized to meet you at your specific point of need. Whether you are seeking lasting pain relief, anxiety and stress reduction, pregnancy and fertility support, or assistance with another health need, we warmly invite you onto this path of wellness.– LeAnne K. Thomason, L.Ac. 


Acupuncture, herbal medicine, and a full range of treatment options to address your individual wellness needs


Essential oils, acupuncture, therapeutic yoga and other treatments to achieve and maintain a deep sense of calm


Nutrition, lifestyle counseling, and personalized wellness plan to achieve your health goals