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Fertility, Pregnancy, Trauma- Cary, Raleigh NC


Comprehensive Pain Relief

Pain conditions — both chronic and localized — can range in intensity from a minor bother to utterly debilitating. Regardless of the intensity, chronic pain is often emotionally taxing and can impact one’s quality of life. Current data shows that it is affecting 30% of Americans today. Fortunately, there is a closeby solution that is natural, holistic and proven, at Cary’s WellPath Acupuncture & Healing Arts.

Basic Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) medical theory views pain as a blockage or deficiency of the body’s vital energy (called Qi). Acupuncture helps restore proper flow through these passages (called meridians) in addition to promoting the body’s own natural healing response.

Does placing hair thin needles at acu-points on the body actually cause a flow of energy and reduce pain in the process?  Extensive peer-reviewed research studies have shown that acupuncture is a powerful, effective treatment option with no harmful side effects. Numerous studies involving scans and magnetic resonance mirror our first-hand experiences as pain relief practitioners.

The additional tangible benefit of acupuncture and TCM is that the patient with pain symptoms is treated with a broader focus.  Underlying causes are sought and addressed. In addition to directly addressing pain, acupuncture will multi-task to help reduce stress, benefit sleep, lift and stabilize mood, and improve energy.  We know from experience that there is a clear linkage between enhanced energy and sleep and the reduction in pain and discomfort.

At WellPath Acupuncture we believe in utilizing several modalities to treat our patients.  Other types of treatments may be used in addition to acupuncture to provide pain relief. Nutrition, posture, exercise, stress management techniques, lifestyle changes and self-care guidance can be included to help maintain the health of the body.

WellPath Acupuncture & Heaing Arts welcomes the opportunity to share documentation and tell you more about the ways that acupuncture and TCM therapies can provide pain relief.

Please feel free to contact our Director LeAnne Thomason, L.Ac. to learn more at or by calling 919-446-3340. For residents of Cary, Morrisville, Apex, Raleigh, Holly Springs, Chapel Hill, Wake Forest, Durham and the entire North Carolina’s Research Triangle region, we welcome the opportunity to provide solutions for pain and discomfort.

To schedule your first pain relief appointment, please fill out our online scheduling form.