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Fertility, Pregnancy, Trauma- Cary, Raleigh NC


LeAnne K. Thomason, L.Ac. Extended Biography

Graduating with Bachelor’s degrees in Sociology and Religious Studies from UC Santa Barbara in 2001, LeAnne has always possessed a passion for cultural, personal & spiritual development. Following that passion, she began working at the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine, and saw patients entering the acupuncture clinic in pain or struggling, and leaving in a totally transformed way. She was amazed, and that coupled with her journey into health and personal transformation, soon led her to pursue her own degrees, graduating with a Massage Therapy license from Santa Barbara Bodyworks as well as a master’s degree in Chinese Medicine from the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine in 2005.

LeAnne’s understanding of how to release blockages and imbalances from the body expanded as she trained extensively in the art of medical massage. After practicing Japanese Shiatsu for 12 years, she began a 5-year apprenticeship with a world-renowned master in the art of Chinese medical massage called tui na. She received high level instruction with Master Liu, a master of tui na and tai qi for over 60 years.

In 2010 LeAnne became a yoga instructor with RussaYog, guiding students of all ages to achieve greater strength and balance. Joining a practice called Motion Unlimited in Santa Barbara, CA from 2012-2015, LeAnne observed and apprenticed with Isaac Osborne, a master level posture therapist, where she learned to apply and integrate posture therapy and rolfing principles into acupuncture & tui na medical massage practice.

Becoming a mother in 2015, LeAnne was excited to put her years of study of gynecology into practice, learning firsthand the ins and outs of how to use Chinese Medicine to support fertility, to create balance pre- and post-partem, and to support wellness in infants and children. Using acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, massage and a powerful Chinese herbal pharmacy, LeAnne considers herself her family’s primary care practitioner, treating illness and promoting wellness year-round, and she brings that experience and commitment into clinical practice with every patient.

LeAnne’s clear commitment to increasing acupuncture’s accessibility and visibility has guided her work with the non-profit Healing Opportunities, Inc. since 2007. Over many years of volunteer service with the organization along with Renee, she has supported health education, free acupuncture events for the community, and volunteer work with the Medical Reserve Corps and the Public Health Department to offer trauma-relief ear acupuncture to first responders and disaster survivors.

Out of her passion for wellness education, LeAnne became the president & owner of Grasshopper Education online education in 2019, bringing continuing education to acupuncturists and helping build the bridge between Western and Eastern medicine.

In 2022, LeAnne relocated to Cary, North Carolina with her husband, young daughter, and cat to enjoy being closer to family, and to offer her medical expertise to our community. In her free time, you may find her hiking in our many parks, dancing, or paddle boarding. Being among the many beautiful trees and kind-hearted neighborly folks here in NC has been a long-awaited dream, and she is very much looking forward to exploring all the South has to offer.
